Door Entry Systems
We supply, fit & service door entry systems of all makes models. We fit Audio Systems, Video Systems, wired & wireless.
Access Control Systems
We Supply & Fit ACT, Paxton, PAC access control systems. Our Access Panels include those for Proximity tokens, Swipe cards, Biometric & Digital Keypads.
CCTV System Installation
We design and build CCTV systems to your needs for a basic home monitoring system to large commercial sites.
Service & Maintenance
From a broken handset, replacement external call panels to speech units, we will help you keep your system in good working order.
About Door Entry.Net
We are a Family run Business specialising in Door Entry Systems, Access Control and CCTV Based in Brighton but covering East Sussex, West Sussex, Hampshire, Surrey and Kent.
We Install new systems, update existing and repair broken, from a handset to a full video entry system.
Our services include –
- Free no obligation Quotations and Advice.
- Servicing for all types of door entry & security systems.
- Service contracts – please call for a quote.
- Maintain existing systems.

Electrical Contractors
Are the systems we supply, fit & service part of your contracts?
Would you like helpĀ with sourcing fittting & maintaining them?
How we can help –
- We will supply the equipment
- You can wire the building
- You can second fix it, or we can
- We offer a commission and connection service
- We offer a maintenance and service contract for you
- Give us a call to discuss projects that you would like us to have a look at.
We use our buying power to cut the cost of the equipment, so by using us it may well save you money.

Door Entry, Access Control & CCTV Services: Brighton, Shoreham, Lancing, Worthing plus west to Southampton, east to Hastings & north to Crawley.
Our Door entry Systems services include Access Control, CCTV, Servicing & Mailtenance. The areas we service include Brighton, Shoreham, Lancing, Worthing. It extends west to Southampton, east to Hastings & north to Crawley.
Get in Touch
Please get in touch using our contact form & email or by phone.
Tel: 01273 871555
Mob: 07774 537375
Freephone 0800 2984199